Biology and Geography. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Biology and Geography

Teacher education (with two profiles — biology and geography) is a modern education direction, which forms comprehensive competences in pedagogical, scientific and cultural-educational activities.

Relevance of education

The current state of the educational institution is characterized by an increase of crisis phenomena in it. It is connected on the one hand with a massive delay of physical and mental development of children, on the other hand with an ever-growing gap between the potential level of educational material assimilation by students and pedagogical technologies used in school.  The problems connected with the ongoing reform of education in Russia require modern pedagogical science to update knowledge and technology as a tool to improve the quality of the educational process in a modern school. It is possible to achieve results in teaching biology and geography through modern pedagogical technologies.

Main objective

Upbringing of harmoniously developed and socially responsible personality, development of business qualities in students, formation of universal, general professional and professional competencies, providing the readiness of graduates for professional activities in the field of basic general and secondary general education, for teaching disciplines in the subject areas of «Biology» and «Geography».

Professional area of activity of graduates

The field of professional activity of the graduates of the bachelor degree program includes education, social sphere and culture.

Graduates get professional education in geography and biology, so they can work as geography or biology teachers. The graduates can apply their education not only to teaching, but also to environmental and tourism activities.


Graduates may be employed in institutions of varying types and levels of education. You could also work as a tourism organizer in a school, or as a tourism officer in a tourism enterprise or other tourism related organization. Also as a specialist in territorial planning and law enforcement organizations: laboratory forensics expert; specialist of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. May pursue a Master's degree related to pedagogical education or geography, biology.

Objects of professional activity of graduates

The objects of professional activity of graduates of the bachelor program are education, upbringing, development, enlightenment, and educational systems.

Types of professional activity of graduates

The main professional educational program, taking into account its orientation, provides the training of graduates for the following types of professional activity:

  • pedagogical;
  • research activity;
  • cultural-educational.

Objectives of a graduate's professional activity

A graduate, who has mastered a basic professional educational program in accordance with its focus, should be ready to solve the following professional tasks in accordance with the types of professional activity:

  • study of possibilities, needs, achievements of students in the field of education;
  • teaching and upbringing in education in accordance with the requirements of educational standards;
  • using of technologies, appropriate to age specifics of students and reflecting specifics of subject areas;
  • organization of interaction with public and educational organizations, children's groups and parents (legal representatives), participation in self-management and management of the school team to solve problems of professional activity;
  • creation of an educational environment to ensure the quality of education, including the use of information technology;
  • ensuring the protection of the life and health of students during the educational process;
  • setting and solving research tasks in the field of science and education;
  • using of scientific research methods in professional activity.

Specific features of the educational process at VVSU:

  • highly-qualified teaching staff (doctors and candidates of sciences, practitioners);
  • practice-oriented model of education, recognized by the leading universities of the world, with a focus on gaining experience in professional and entrepreneurial activities at enterprises of the real sector of the economy in the process of studying at the university;
  • organization of practical education at leading enterprises and organizations in Vladivostok;
  • application of modern forms of education (case studies; presentations; trainings; business games; test forms of intermediate knowledge control);
  • using modern software packages in the education process;
  • using of e-learning technologies (face-to-face classes + students' independent work with e-learning courses and other educational resources placed in the electronic educational environment of VVSU);
  • creating an environment for students' creative self-realisation.

Language of education: Russian

Duration of study: 4 years

Qualification: Bachelor

State certification: yes