Digital Economy. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Digital Economy

Digital Economy is a modern field of study that develops comprehensive knowledge in mathematics, economics, information systems and information and communication management technologies.

Professional skills:

  • mathematical modelling of economic processes and systems and improving the validity of management decisions at all levels of the economy;
  • search, analysis and selection of modern information technologies and software tools for solving applied tasks in socio-economic and financial areas;
  • development and improvement of methods, models, algorithms, technologies and tools for working with big data;
  • analytical support for the development of strategies for organizations and territories using big data and taking into account the risks in conditions of uncertainty;
  • analysis of the financial-economic condition of the firm and the forecasting of development scenarios;
  • planning and organization of project activities of any scale under conditions of high uncertainty caused by change requests.

The benefits of education. You will be able to:

  • become a business analyst (decision support and business performance management, predictive analytics); a big data specialist; an IT project manager and development manager; a systems analyst (system diagnostics of an organization, improvement of management systems);
  • influence the success of the company by implementing modern digital business management technologies on the basis of big data;
  • create their own business;
  • to continue their education in master's and then post-graduate programs;
  • receive additional education in the programs offered at VVSU.

You will study:

  • mathematical models at the macro and micro level and forecasting in the digital economy;
  • artificial intelligence and deep learning in R and Python;
  • machine learning methods;
  • computer data analysis;
  • game theory in economics and political science;
  • intelligent information systems;
  • financial analysis methods and models;
  • IT in securities market analysis;
  • project management models;
  • methods and models of strategic management;
  • models of spatial economics;
  • the theory of complex networks.

Relevance of education

The need for professionals who use methods of applied mathematics and computer technology to create mathematical models of objects, processes, systems and technologies, as well as the development and application of modern mathematical methods and software to support decision-making in economic and management activities based on big data.

Peculiarities of the educational process at VVSU:

  • highly qualified teaching staff (doctors and candidates of sciences, graduates of Master's programs from foreign universities, practicing specialists);
  • the opportunity to obtain additional competencies in certified education centers: 1C-technologies, Oracle, telecommunications;
  • practice-oriented model of education, recognized by the leading universities of the world, with a focus on gaining experience in professional and entrepreneurial activities in the enterprises of the real sector of economy in the process of study at the university;
  • organization of practical education at the leading enterprises and organizations of the city: Rostelecom and mobile operators, Sberbank and Gazprombank, aviation companies, railway and sea transport, trading port, retailers, housing and utilities sector, insurance companies;
  • availability of a business incubator — a platform for implementation of student business projects;
  • participation in implementing projects on implementing changes based on big data analytics; designing and re-engineering business processes; developing strategies for enterprises and municipalities based on modelling their development;
  • application of modern forms of education (case studies; presentations; trainings; business games; test forms of intermediate control of knowledge); use of modern software packages in the learning process;
  • availability of a conference hall equipped with special conference-communication and congress system of the latest generation, which allows listening to lectures of professors of leading world universities and participating in discussions with students of foreign universities in on-line regime;
  • using of distance learning and e-learning technologies (face-to-face classes + students' independent work with e-learning courses and other educational resources placed in the electronic educational environment of VVSU + webinars).

Language of education: Russian

Duration of study: 4 years

Qualification: Bachelor

State certification: yes