Economics. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Economics is a field of education of qualified specialists in the field of economic activity, which is nowadays the foundation of business development. Graduates of Economics have profound theoretical and practical knowledge in accounting and reporting, internal and external audit, planning and support of financial and economic activity of an enterprise; optimization of business processes.

After entering the Economics field, in the second year you can choose one of the following profiles: Accounting and analysis of economic activities, International Business or Economic Security.

«Accounting and analysis of economic activities»

Accounting and analysis of economic activities is an educational program aimed at education qualified specialists who are able to carry out accounting of organizations of different spheres of economic activities; to draw up accounting (financial) and tax reports on the basis of accounting information, to carry out economic and financial analysis taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities.

 At the end of the program the graduates can work as:

  • work as economist, accountant, chief accountant, financial analyst, financial director, business manager;
  • manage financial flows;
  • operate budgets, estimates, financial flows of organizations;
  • prepare accounting (financial) and tax reports of companies of all forms of ownership on the basis of accounting information;
  • conduct economic and financial analysis of the activities of enterprises of different legal forms and industries;
  • to develop recommendations to improve the efficiency of companies' activities on the basis of accounting and analytical information.

"Economic security"

Economic security is an educational program that trains economists to carry out the tasks of securing economic entities using economic and legal methods.

At the end of the program, graduates may engage in:

  • organize and conduct internal and external audits;
  • assess the efficiency of internal control and audit systems in organizations;
  • monitoring the current economic and financial position of business entities for resource potential reliability, stability and sustainability of their activities;
  • developing methodological recommendations on ensuring the economic security of businesses;
  • consulting on identifying potential and actual threats to economic security;
  • managing organizational risks;
  • developing economic plans and plans for the financial recovery of enterprises and organizations.

«International Business»

 International Business is an educational program that prepares economists for companies engaged in foreign economic activity and involved in international investment cooperation.

 At the end of the program, graduates are able to:

  • organizing new business and developing existing business;
  • managing business processes at different levels of an enterprise;
  • preparing and supporting foreign trade contracts;
  • customs clearance of goods, customs value and payment of customs duties;
  • planning and implementation of foreign investments;
  • analysis of commodity and resource markets;
  • analysing the performance of enterprises and organizations.

Specific features of the educational process at VVSU:

  • practice-oriented education, classes with practitioners (heads of enterprises, specialists of state bodies, representatives of the business community);
  • one-year internship for students, which gives them an opportunity to gain practical experience necessary for employment;
  • highly-qualified teaching staff (doctors and candidates of sciences, graduates of master's program of foreign universities, practitioners);
  • the use of project-based learning technologies to acquire practical teamwork skills in the development of real business projects;
  • active participation of VVSU students in scientific and academic research on managing the region's economy and organizations in Primorsky Territory;
  • application of modern information technologies in education, free access to electronic resources of the most important scientific and information resources and libraries of the world;
  • availability of a business incubator — a platform for implementing own business projects;
  • application of modern forms of education (case studies, trainings, business games); use of modern software in the learning process;
  • availability of conference-communication and congress-system (on-line mode) to listen to the lectures of the world leading universities and to take part in discussions with the students of foreign universities;
  • using e-learning technologies (face-to-face classes + students' self-study with e-learning courses and other educational resources in the electronic educational environment of VVSU);
  • creating an environment for students' creative self-realisation.

Language of education: Russian

Duration of study: 4 years

Qualification: Bachelor

State certification: yes