International Relations. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

International Relations

International Relations is an applied bachelor's degree program focused on quality education of competitive professionals in the field of international relations, capable of international interaction at various levels of government, skilled in organizational, administrative and project work in regional and international activities of public, private and public organizations.

Educational advantages:

  • In-depth study of foreign languages: English, Chinese/Korean/Japanese (optional);
  • compulsory foreign internship in APR countries: China, Korea, Japan, USA, Canada, New Zealand (as a part of practice-integrated study) and other versatile international exchange programs;
  • the right to receive additional educational programs: International Law, Legal Regulation of Foreign Economic Activities, etc;
  • the possibility of obtaining a second diploma or professional retraining under the program Interpreter in the field of professional communication;
  • the opportunity to continue studies integrated with practice and research at Master's level.

Content of professional workshops led by VVSU alumni professionals in International Relations:

  • Meetings with guest speakers — professional masters, successful graduates.
  • Practical and lecture sessions by guest speakers — a series of practice-oriented classes in the specialty.
  • Workshop from representatives of the Russian diplomatic service.
  • Communication with the professional master of the group, determination of the professional trajectory and further self-development.
  • Business orientation: meetings with employers, employment planning.

The graduate will be able to work in the field of:

  • administration of diplomatic, economic and other relations of state authorities, commercial and public organizations of the Russian Federation with representatives of foreign countries and regions;
  • organization and communication activities to ensure diplomatic, foreign economic and other contacts with foreign countries and regions;
  • cultural and educational activities in the field of cultural exchange and humanitarian cooperation with foreign countries and regions;
  • intercultural communication and translation activities;
  • organizing international projects and programs;
  • journalistic activities related to coverage of international issues in media, periodicals and scientific research on international relations.

Features of the implementation of the educational program at VVSU:

  • highly-qualified teaching staff (candidates and doctors of sciences, practitioners);
  • practice-integrated learning model, recognized by leading universities around the world, to gain professional experience while studying at the university;
  • sessions with practitioners (government specialists, business representatives, respected political figures, employees of consulates and diplomatic missions);
  • combination of the best traditions of the «old» school and modern active learning methods (trainings, business games, case studies), allowing to form competencies that are in demand in the labor market;
  • the use of e-learning technologies (face-to-face classes + students' independent work with e-learning courses and other educational resources placed in the electronic educational environment of VVSUS);
  • availability of conference and congress systems (on-line mode) for listening to lectures by professors from leading world universities and participating in discussions with students from foreign universities.

Language of education: Russian

Duration of study: 4 years

Qualification: Bachelor

State certification: yes