Internet marketing and e-commerce. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Internet marketing and e-commerce

Internet Marketing and e-Commerce profile — An educational program that develops students' personal qualities and professional competencies in order to prepare them for organizational, managerial and analytical marketing activities in enterprises of various organizational and legal forms at regional and national level.

Practical skills:

  • analyzing markets, conducting social surveys, collecting and processing information about products, brands, firms, competitors;
  • development and implementation of advertising campaigns and presentations of products/services;
  • conducting negotiations (including telephone and first person level) ;
  • drafting articles, news stories, press releases;
  • planning and carrying out market research;
  • assortment analysis;
  • pricing and budgeting;
  • ability to work with various computer programs, both basic (Microsoft Office) and specialized (SPSS, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Acrobat Reader). Knowledge of 1C-Trading, 1C-Accounting is also desirable.

The competencies gained will enable:

  • to become a marketer or internet marketer in any field: trade and production companies; services; PR and advertising agencies; marketing and advertising departments in various organizations, government agencies; consulting companies;
  • to effectively manage the company through the use of marketing methods;
  • to carry out marketing research and evaluation of its effectiveness;
  • set up and run a successful business;
  • continue their education at Master's and later on at Postgraduate level;
  • to receive additional education under programs implemented at VVSU.

Relevance of education:

The rapid spread and development of information technology, coupled with a new stage in economic relations, has facilitated the active spread of e-commerce.

Spreading everywhere and offering an ever wider range of goods and services, e-commerce is becoming a tool for integrating individuals, businesses, industries, public institutions and states into a single community, within which interaction between partners is efficiently and smoothly implemented by means of information and telecommunication technologies.

The advantages offered by new information technologies in terms of forms and methods of doing business, making sales and purchases are attracting more and more participants in economic relations.

The Internet has reached a mass market of customers: there are almost no commercial organizations left without an online presence.

Internet marketing in Russia is becoming an increasingly popular and relevant service for private entrepreneurs, small, medium and large companies.

Modern business requires new specialists. Nowadays, people who are specially educated in the profession do internet marketing.

Created dozens of agencies and studios involved in promotion, optimization and promotion of online shops, information portals, web links, individual categories of goods in the network, where these experts work.

Now Internet marketer — it is in demand and well-paid specialist who can work as a freelancer or full-time employee of the company.

The opportunities that come with the advent of e-commerce make it possible to start your own business without being limited to the usual traditional activities.

Thus, a Bachelor's degree in Internet Marketing and E-commerce guarantees the graduate a prestigious and lucrative profession, employment, and the opportunity for career and professional growth.

Professions in the field of commerce (incomplete list):

  • Salesperson
  • Sales representative or sales agent
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketer
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Brand-manager
  • Sales manager
  • Trade Marketer
  • Marketer-economist
  • Merchandiser
  • Category Manager

Why we are the best place to start your career:

  • Highly qualified teaching staff with not only theoretical but also practical experience (PhDs and doctors of sciences, practitioners in marketing and logistics, customs management specialists, etc.).
  • Science-oriented and practice-oriented approach in teaching: gaining experience in professional and entrepreneurial activities at enterprises of the real sector of economy in the process of education at VVSU;
  • Application of new teaching methods, modern means and forms of learning;
  • The educational process is focused on the real needs of enterprises of the real sector of the economy and is designed to provide training of professionals demanded in the labor market;
  • In order to provide integrated education based on the department, a project for the creation of a multifunctional educational research and production center is being implemented.
  • Classes in a number of disciplines are carried out directly based on the enterprises of the real sector of the economy;
  • Practically integrated education: organization of practical education and internships for 8 months at the leading trade, production and service organizations of the city and the region;
  • Involvement of employers in the educational process;
  • Availability of business incubator — platform for implementation of students' business projects;
  • Availability of a conference hall equipped with special conference-communication and congress system of the latest generation that allows listening to lectures of professors from leading world universities and participating in discussions with students of foreign universities in on-line mode;
  • The use of e-learning technologies (face-to-face classes + students' independent work with e-learning courses and other educational resources placed in the electronic educational environment of VVSU).

Language of education: Russian

Duration of study: 4 years

Qualification: Bachelor

State certification: yes