Intelligence: the integral factor for the Asian-Pacific region (Spring). Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Intelligence: the integral factor for the Asian-Pacific region (Spring)


Dear students,

My name is Vladimir Shibaev and my major topic is macropsychology of intelligent. Why it can be interesting for you? Well, let’s start from the beginning — what is an intelligence? One of the most using and in the same time — one of the most contradictory term in modern times. What is the “Intelligence” actually? How to measure it? How to prove that the measures of intelligence are correct and valid? Is this depends on the culture, or on the genes? And how this estimation can have an impact not only to our own personal life, but even to the whole Asian-Pacific region? This course was developed by using the newest data from macropsychology and intelligence research, but also includes a lot of evidences from history, cultural anthropology, economics and demography to receive entire comprehension of regional process ongoing in Asian-Pacific region not only nowadays, but also in the past, and possibly in the future. And in the post-industrial civilization, where the intellectual product can raise national economics and standard of living, we need to know, how intelligence does work, and how we can direct this work for our own benefits.

Lectures 36 1
Laboratory / workshops 18 0,5
Self-study assignment 54 1,5
Total (1 ECTS = 36 hrs.) 108 3
  • Psychometry skill
  • Intelligence diagnostic skill
  • The skill of organizing a psychometric study
  • Making prognostic dynamic models of intelligence and personality
  • Working with statistics data
  • Collection and preparation of statistical information

After completion, students should be able to: acquaintance with new concepts and terms (enrichment of students' conceptual apparatus), the formation of diagnostic skills (e.g., the ability to determine the coefficient of human intelligence), consolidation of knowledge of the structure of the higher cognitive ability of man, the history of the formation of the idea of intelligence, modern concepts of psychometric intelligence. Also, after this course students start to understand macropsychological links between intelligence and its socio-economical, demographical and political outcomes in Asian-Pacific region.

In the course of the module, students will receive both theoretical knowledge about the history of the evolution of psychometric intelligence, as well as practical skills in the possession of the psychometric test tool, as well as modern ideas about the relationship of psychology and other macrosocial sciences such as economics and sociology. Also, at the request of the listeners, techniques for improving memory and developing intelligence (on an individual basis) will be offered.
  • Get a complete picture of the human intellect, its evolution, present and future; - Get the skill of psychometric intelligence testing
  • Find out what intelligence depends on, the features of its distribution in various socio-demographic groups and the reasons for the differences
  • Understand why the study of intelligence is important not only in psychology, but also in related fields such as economics and political studies
Topic 1: Evolution of cognitive abilities: from the appearance of nerve cells to the homo sapiens sapiens. Forming intellectual map of Asian-Pacific region from the prehistoric times to nowadays. How we receive our own intelligence as the specie?
Topic 2: The history of ideas about intelligence from ancient times to the Modern era. Psychometry of the intellect. F. Galton, W. Stern, B. Simon, A. Binet. The concept of the IQ. Individual and group variability of the intelligence, the determinants of its formation.
Topic 3: The hierarchical model of intelligence by C. Spearman. The G-factor. Progressive matrices of J. Raven. Test "draw a person" Goodenough and WAIS. Modern theories of intelligence: "Three-layer model" of the intellect Cattell-Horn-Carroll. The Johnson-Bouchard model is a three-factor "verbal-perceptual-motor" model of intelligence. How to test your neighbor or friend and how to understand, what the IQ-score means?
Topic 4: Intelligence is the factor of group, regional and state achievements. Why IQ is important thing? IQ link with basic socio-demographic indicators. IQ and education attainments in Asian-Pacific region. Ways of educated meritocracy rising — east “Confucian” and west "Laissez-Fair” ways.
Topic 5: IQ and global economic inequality. IQ as one of the main predictors of the national welfare and prosperity of the state in the world and in Asian-Pacific region.
Topic 6: How to improve your very own intelligence? The matter of genetics and environment on IQ. IQ and the personal socio-economic success.
Topic 7: Intelligence and national security. Brain drain and its process in Asian-Pacific region. Geographical gradient of bran-drain in Asian-Pacific region. Dangers and consequences of brain drain process for this region.
Topic 8: IQ and demography in Asian-Pacific region and worldwide. Tendencies of the change of intelligence through the time. The Flynn-Lynn effect, its rise and decline. Dysgenic intelligence processes in Asian-Pacific region.
Topic 9: Trends in evolution of intelligence. Intelligence as factor of rise and decline of civilizations. Shaping the educational and intelligence map of Asian-Pacific region in the future. Tomorrow: bright new world or the "Idiocracy"?
USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Projector, software for presentations (pptx format)
  1. Barber, N. Educational and ecological correlates of IQ: a cross-national investigation// Intelligence 33 (2005), 273–284
  2. Flynn J. R. Massive IQ Gains in 14 Nations: What IQ Tests Really Measure// Psychological bulletin, vol 10, 1987, 171 – 191
  3. Gelade, G. IQ, cultural values, and the technological achievement of nations // Intelligence, 36 (2008) 711–71
  4. Hafer, R. New estimates on the relationship between IQ, economic growth and welfare// Intelligence, 61, (2017), 92-101
  5. Hunt, E. Human Intelligence. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  6. Hunt, E. Wittman, W. National intelligence and national prosperity// Intelligence, 36 (2008), 1-9
  7. Jones G. How Your Nation's IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own. Stanford Economics and Finance, 2015
  8. Lynn R. Vanhannen T. Intelligence: an unifying construct for social sciences. London. Ulster Institute for Social Research 2012
  9. Lynn, R. Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations. London. Ulster Institute for Social Research, 2011.
  10. Lynn, R., Harvey, J. The decline of the world's IQ // Intelligence. – 2008. – No 36. – PP. 112-120.
  11. Nyborg H. The decay of Western civilization: Double relaxed Darwinian Selection// Personality and Individual Differences, 2012
  12. Piffer, D. Estimating the genotypic intelligence of populations and assessing the impact of socioeconomic factors and migrations [Electronic resource] // The Winnower. – 2015. – URL
  13. Rindermann H, Thompson J. The cognitive competences of immigrant and native students across the world: an analysis of gaps, possible causes and impact // Journal Biosocial Sciences. – 2016. –Vol. 48. Is. 1. – PP. 66-93
  14. Rindermann, H. Intellectual classes, technological progress and economic development: the rise of cognitive capitalism. 2013.
  15. Raven J. Standard Progressive Matrices - Plus Version, Sets A - copyright ,1998, NCS Pearson, Inc. p. 33
  16. Raven J. The progressive matrices: change and stability over culture and time. Cognitive Psychology 41, (2000), 1–48
  17. Tarmo, S. Allocation of talent in society and its effect on economic development. Intelligence, 41 (2013), 193–202
  18. Thompson J. The Flynn Effect Re-Evaluated // Intelligence, 41 (2013), Issue 6, Pages 751 – 858
  19. Whetzel, D. L., & McDaniel, M.. Prediction of national wealth// Intelligence, 34 (2006), 449−458
  20. Woodley A. M., Nijenhuis te, J., Murphy R. Were the Victorians cleverer then us? The decline of general intelligence estimated from a meta-analisys of the slowing of simple reaction time. //Intelligence № 41 (2013), 843 – 850
Score Grade  
100-91 Excellent 5
90-76 Good 4
75-61 Satisfactory 3
60-0 Unsatisfactory 2

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Mon-Thu: 8:30 - 17:30
Fri: 8:30-16:15

PhD in Psychology
Vladimir Shibaev 

Master of Science

Mon-Thu: 8:30 - 17:30
Fri: 8:30-16:15