VSUES vice-president for development Larisa L. Shilovskaya visited Tottori Prefecture

VSUES and Tottori Prefecture have long friendly ties. VSUES president Gennady I. Lazarev visited Tottori Prefecture on invitation of governor of the prefecture, Mr. Shinji Hirai on numerous occasions. Recently, VSUES vice-president for development, Larisa L. Shilovskaya was with official working visit in Tottori Prefecture.
"The visit was very productive. I had the possibility to discuss with Mr. Iwao Furusava, president of Tottori University of Environmental Studies, possible cooperation between our institutions in the field of students exchange programs and scientific activity", said Larisa L. Shilovskaya.
During this visit Ms. Shilovskaya took part in “Russkiy Mir Cabinet” opening ceremony. VSUES presented books, CDs, educational materials on Russian culture. “The creation of the Russkiy Mir Cabinet is a sign of serious support from the Foundation. I am sure that the opening of this cabinet will facilitate the development of ties between the prefecture and Primorsky region, between residents of both countries,” said the governor of the prefecture Shinji Hirai (source:http://www.russkiymir.ru/russkiymir/en/news/fund/news0275.html).