Seminar "Model and Professional Recognition Procedures of Foreign Qualifications in Russia" held at VSUES in October 03-05, 2011

In view of globalization process, approach of the Russian Federation into the world market and active integration into unique international space the issue of recognition of foreign qualifications became actual. Leading European and Russian universities, with professional associations ' assistance, joined their forces in order to develop the model and procedures for professional recognition of foreign qualifications in Russia. In 2008, VSUES was awarded a grant for project "Tempus" realization in Russian Far Eastern Federal District. Every year representatives from European and Russian Universities – project participants arrive to VSUES to discuss problems and prospects of development of the system of professional recognition in Russia, mechanisms of possible cooperation institutions with employers, and the role of local authorities in professional recognition of foreign qualifications.
This time representatives from Ministry of Education end Science of Russian Federation, Vladivostok and Primorsky region administration, building organizations, Russian and European Universities took part in 2 days seminar. Following project partcipantns introduced their reports: Head of Federal Service for supervision in Education and Science, Mr. Kruglov, Senior Credential Evaluator of Foundation of Netherlands Universities for International Cooperation Organization in Higher education, Kitty Wigleven, Specialist of Consultant of Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education, Jessica Ruth Stannard, Professor of Social Theory and Institutions, Bangor University, Hovard Henshall Devis, Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate professor, Head of Methodical Center for Researches and Training “Expert center for estimation of foreign education certificates”, SPbSPU, Evgeny V. Shevchenko, and VSUES Head of workforce and record management department, Oksana V. Gorshkova.
VSUES president, Gennady Lazarev underlined the relevance of the seminar and importance of discussed issues, Today our country is working on several global projects: APEC summit in Vladivostok, The Olympic games “Sochi 2014”, soccer world championship. That is why we are facing foreign labor force inflow. On the other hand, graduates of our university are becoming more popular not only in Russia but also in the world labour market. Our task is to device such mechanisms for recognition of qualifications that would enable our professionals to easily find job abroad and we could also accept foreign colleagues.
This project is funded by European Comission.