Vladivostok "Days of Mexico" were held in VSUES

The approaching Summit APEC-2012 gave rise to higher interest of the world community in Vladivostok. In summer of this year the city was visited by the delegation of ambassadors from seven countries of South America: Guatemala, Columbia, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Mexico and Ecuador. In the course of meetings with representatives of the administration, business and education the guests put value on the possibilities that establishing of partnership at the Far East of Russia would bring to their countries.
For “Days of Mexico in Vladivostok” on the 14th of November the extraordinary and plenipotentiary Ambassador of Mexico in Russia, Mr. Alfredo Perez Bravo arrived to the capital of Primorye with the delegation.
At the press conference the ambassador told journalists about plans of further cooperation.
- In June of 2012 we will conduct Festival of Latin American culture in Vladivostok by the invitation of the city administration. Also, next year the Center of Latin American culture that will unite the consulates of the South American countries is to be opened in your city as well as a business center, center of teaching the Spanish language, restaurant of Latin American cuisine and library of literature in Spanish.
The ambassador held a ceremonial opening of the exhibition of historic photographs of Mexican revolution in the library of VSUES. Also, part of the VSUES program of “Days of Mexico in Vladivostok” was a lecture of the Ambassador for the employees and teachers, run of a documentary “Soul of Mexico”, contest of drawings devoted to the country.
Mr. Alfredo Perez Bravo expressed a wish to continue close cooperation with VSUES in future.