VSUES students from Russia and China showed their talants.

The contest “And here we are! ”took place in the professional college of VSUES where both Russian and Chinese students took part.
The two teams competed in intellectual and creative competitions and demonstrated their knowledge of international etiquette and capacity to speak the language of flowers, applied skills of a designer, stylist and tailor.
The audience that came to support both teams also did not stay aside. While the participants were getting ready for performance, the fandom displayed logical thinking, knowledge of traditions of different cultures and etiquette, answered tricky questions of the host.
One of the competitions that received a special attention of the audience was eco-fashion. Following the latest trends the students demonstrated models of edgy clothes, made of … trash. Polyethylene packs, old newspapers, shoe sacks and cans were turned into designer glad rags.
When the time came to name the winner, everybody received a surprise. Both teams had equal number of points!
The students were rewarded with sweet prizes that they shared with their supporting groups at the traditional Russian tea party. For many Chinese students it was their first acquaintance with Russian festivity traditions.