Famous choreographer from the USA Jesse Zaritt disclosed secrets of professional mastery to VSUES students.

Modern choreography performance of an American dancer, teacher and choreographer Jesse Zaritt and the theater of modern dance “Kauri” took place in the concert complex ”Underground”. The next day Jesse Zaritt told VSUES students about techniques of modern dance.
- This performance is a part of a joint project of the USA General Consulate in Vladivostok - specialist of the General Consulate Eugenyia Diamantidi mentioned. - It is conducted within the frames of “American seasons” in Russia.
The questions of modern dance aesthetics, cultural component of dance mastery and Jesse’s personal attitude to the art of dancing were discussed. The lecture was accompanied with projection of recordings with Jesse’s performances in different countries and cities.
- I started to be seriously engaged with dancing when I understood that this style of art reflects development of level of culture and art in the society to a great degree. The body language and plastique can convey not only feelings and emotions of a person, but also the mood of the society.
Jesse Zaritt lived in Israel for two years and he expressed the extreme condition of its modern life with physically strained and broken plastique of movements.
- Dance language is an international one. It is understood by people of different nationalities, - the leading specialist of International programs division of VSUES department of international connections Julia Dotsenko mentioned. – That is why this master-class was interesting both to Russian and foreign students.