Vice president of educational work in VSUES Irina Chernaya told Japanese colleagues how Russian educational system was being integrated into Bologna process.

In December of 2005 VSUES became a coordinating academic institution in implementation of Bologna process principles in Far Eastern federal district and was the first to start implementing level-based system of training existing in Europe. Nowadays all the Schools in VSUES deliver bachelor and master programs and VSUES shares its experience with the colleagues from other universities by conducting conferences on a regular basis. With the purpose of studying VSUES experience in integration into the Bologna process the university was visited by a delegation of representatives from the universities in Japan: Mr.Tadasi Endo, professor of the university Uzunomia, Mr. Minoru Otani, professor of the university Kanadzava, associate professors Svetlana Tkachenko and Grigory Misochko from the university Zukubo.
The guests were welcomed by the vice president of educational work, doctor of economic sciences, professor Irina Chernaya, vice president of pre-university education Liudmila Mezhonova, deputy chief of the Department of International Relations in VSUES Natalia Zhukova.
The representatives of the scientific community of Japan were interested in VSUES experience of changing the educational process during transition of the country to market economy and in possibilities of the university development in the current conditions of the active growth of the region as well as VSUES status as a coordinating academic institution of the Bologna process in Far Eastern federal district.
- Successful experience of VSUES in university management was one of the criteria in selecting the university as a coordinator in implementation of the Bologna process in the region, - underlined Irina Chernaya.
VSUES consistently builds a continuous chain of education starting from the infant kindergarten up to doctorate, thus ensuring maximum effective achievement of educational purposes. The educational process in the university is completely practice targeted and students starting from the first year undertake internships in organizations and enterprises of the region, the university subdivisions and special training centers. For example, the Department that teaches specialist of the hotel management has a training hotel ”Avanta” where students do practical work.
We are proud of the fact that VSUES graduates practically do not apply to employment service, - said Irina Chernaya.- Our regional center “Start career” is dealing with job placement of the graduates and it became the second best center in Russia this year. Our students start their practical work beginning from the third year and every other 5-year student combines education with work.
The guests went on a detailed excursion at the university campus and became acquainted with its infrastructure – “Underground” theatre, computer center and library and they liked what they had seen.
After visiting VSUES the guests went to the Boarding school for talented children named after N.N. Dubinin.