VSUES foreign students study culture and traditions of the Russian nation.

On December, 14 foreign students in association with the Department of International Relations of VSUES visited performance excursion “National Russian traditions” organized by a tourist agency “Olga”.
The guests were welcomed with hospitality, invited to the table and offered tea from a real Russian samovar. The students were examining the housewares and collection of ancient irons with interest and even tried to put a kettle into the stove with the help of an oven fork.
The guide in detail described Slavonic weddings, Maslenitsa festival and every-day life of our ancestors:
- This is a Bogy doll. It was usually hidden behind the stove where it would not be disturbed. In order to have the Bogy behave well and not be bored, a girlfriend doll was made for him.
The students with pleasure took part in the engrossing old-time games and ceremonies and Kell Kevin Andrew performed as s bridegroom at a traditional Russian wedding.
- Russian dolls look very much alike the dolls that my grandmother has! – remarked Kevin.- As it turns out, our cultures have much in common.
In the end of the excursion the foreign students asked questions about other Russian traditions and put on national costumes. On the way home they exchanged their impressions about the excursion.
Leading expert of the international programs division of the Department of International Relations of VSUES Elena Chistiakova mentioned that close acquaintance with cultural traditions and participation in national ceremonies left an emotional trace in the soul and helped create understanding between different nations.