VSUES students received grants of the President and Government of the Russian Federation.
16 января 2012
Жизнь вуза

As it was informed by the department of VSUES social programs, the grants of the President of the Russian Federation for 2011-2012 educational year as per the Order of the Ministry of education and science # 2690 dated 14.11.2011 was awarded to:
- Diadyk Julia Nikolaevna – 5-year student of the profile “State and municipal administration” of School of law and management;
- Nikulina Anastasia Konstantinovna – 4-year student of the profile “International relations” of School of international business and economics.
Also, by the Order of the Ministry of education and science # 2689 dated 14.11.2011 the grants of the Government of the Russian Federation for 2011-2012 educational year was awarded to:
- Burkytova Daria Valerianovna – 5-year student of the profile “Legal studies” of School of law and management;
- Kornienko Andrey Alexandrovich – 5-year student of the profile “Regional studies” of School of international business and economics;
- Kuznetsova Anastasia Alexandrovna – 5-year student of the profile “World economy” of School of international business and economics;
- Chartovich Oxana Gennadievna – 5-year student of the profile “Legal studies” of School of law and management.
Our congratulations!