VSUES president Gennady Lazarev presented strategy of VSUES development up to 2016 year.

An expanded meeting of the VSUES Academic council took place and a report of the university president, doctor of economic sciences, professor Gennady Lazarev was presented at the meeting. The report was called “VSUES in social and economic development of the Far East: strategy for 2012-2016 years”. The university chief also made a traditional report about VSUES activity in 2011. Vladivostok mayor Igor Pushkarev who is a vice chairman of the university Board of regents was present at the academic council.
Gennady Lazarev noted that the main priority of VSUES that is reflected in the university strategy of up to 2016 year is to be useful for the society. Based on the results of the year 2011 VSUES took the first place among other institutions of service in the rating of the Ministry of education and science of Russia. Also, according to efficiency indexes of the university activity VSUES takes 60th place among 334 universities of RF. In the rating of information system development among academic institutions of the country VSUES “shares” the 3rd place with such a prestigious university as MSIIE.
High percentage of job placement of the VSUES graduates is a principle achievement of the university, as president Gennady Lazarev thinks. According to data of Federal employment service 95 percent of VSUES graduates find a job immediately upon completing education, whereas average index in the country is 70 percent.
Another strong part of VSUES is a unique campus that is located in the center of Vladivostok: infrastructure facilities of the university are connected with one another. So, students can use all the services of the university without going outside which is convenient in our climate.
- VSUES has a support on the city, region and federal levels, - said president Gennady Lazarev. – We presented our strategy of development and gained support of the Ministry of education and science of RF. Within the years 2012-2014 VSUES will receive financing of 100 million roubles a year from federal budget. The Strategy of VSUES development in the years 2012-2016 is appraised on the whole in 1 milliard roubles and calls for realization of 26 projects.
Among new key projects for the future the president noted: «VSUES-city», International School of Hotel Management - joint project with Pacific International Hotel Management School (New Zealand), Electronic campus of the university and others.
President Gennady Lazarev gave word to the mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev who was present in the hall. The head of the city who is a former student of VSUES approved the presented Strategy of the university development.