Foreign students discussed peculiarities of the Russian language and culture. . Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Foreign students discussed peculiarities of the Russian language and culture.

23 апреля 2012 Жизнь вуза

The School of foreign languages of VSUES conducted a regular meeting of the XIV International scientific and practical conference-contest where students, post-graduates and young researchers presented their reports to the award panel.

Students and trainees from China, Korea and Vietnam presented 27 reports under the general subject of the workshop “Russian language and Russian culture in the context of modern age”. All the reports were done in Russian.

The president of the jury who was the head of the Russian language chair of SFL, Yuliya Konovalova, mentioned that the workshop participants presented sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic works in their performances. Within the framework of the department scientific project the students studied ethnocultural peculiarity of conversation among Russian, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese native-speakers, analyzed perception and emotional expression of speakers of different languages.

- Research work is a part of the studies. When preparing to give presentation at the workshop the students noticeably raise their linguistic level. It is a good practical experience for students and trainees, - remarked Yuliya Konovalova.

Junior students prepared creative works that reflected on their impressions from studying the Russian language and being in the Russian environment.

- I like studying Russian. Participation in the workshop helped me learn the lexical meaning of many Russian words, - said a 2-year student of VSUES SFL, Zhao Na.

- Together with my classmate I have prepared a report “Two years in Vladivostok”. I think that this city has much potential. I like to live and study here. My favorite place in Vladivostok is VSUES. This university gave me a big opportunity and assistance. I receive not only knowledge, experience, but self-sufficiency here, - a 4-year student of SLM Song Tao shared his impressions.

For a long time VSUES has had a status of an educational center in the area of business and service of the international level. On a regular basis it conducts events and organizes projects in the partnership with foreign universities, organizations and experts thus providing its students with an opportunity to get practice-oriented education.