Famous French artist gave VSUES students a lesson of contemporary street art. . Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Famous French artist gave VSUES students a lesson of contemporary street art.

2 мая 2012 Жизнь вуза

One of the pioneers of graffiti art in France, famous artist NEBAY, was a guest of VSUES. Vladivostok became the 8th city which NEBAY visited within the framework of the project “City cultures”. The project was organized by noncommercial association “Alliance Française”, art group “33+1” and was supported by the Embassy of France in Russia.

At the meeting the talented Frenchman told the students not only about the basics of the street art, but also answered personal questions.

The 38-year-old artist started being engaged with graffiti at the age of 13. At first this activity was regarded as a game and process of search for himself. At youthful stage he was interested in dealing with creative work that was considered illegal, but at the same time street art gave NEBAY full freedom in expressing his thoughts.

- Now the situation is different. Graffiti is acknowledged worldwide and graffiti artists has taken their seat of honour in the area of art. I have also grown out of being an illegal artist and have received recognition after many years. Now I often exhibit my works in art galleries and sell them at auctions, - said NEBAY.

The representative of the street art did not study at any educational institutions. He is a self-taught person, just as the majority of graffiti artists.

NEBAY mentioned that street painters unfortunately had a public reputation of bad guys who lead improper life and used drugs and alcohol for generating energy and creative potential. – Contrary to stereotypes, I am a family person and almost have no bad habits. My daughter inspires me to have new ideas and creative decisions, - said NEBAY.

The artist confessed that even though he mostly worked in his creative boutique, from time to time he went for night-time expeditions in order to paint new walls in the city. As it turned out he is ready to have problems police because unauthorized painting of city walls is still considered illegal activity.

Vladivostok chief artist Pavel Shugurov visited the meeting with the artist. – I always support such events and promotion of various kinds of art in our city.

In the end of the meeting NEBAY invited all the students to join him in painting a sustaining wall in the Pokrovsky park.

VSUES students have an opportunity not only to communicate with public people, famous sportsmen, distinguished people of art, but also adopt their valuable experience that can be useful for the students in the future.