Work of students designers of AC VSUES was appreciated in Germany
Second year students of Academic college of VSUES in the profile “Design” Alexandra Vodovskova and Yury Kutuzov won in the IV Global contest “Children are painting their Russian world: World of a Russian word”. The students’ works were awarded with the 1st grade diplomata.
The award panel of the contest characterized their works as “conforming to the theme of the contest, with properly elaborated colour layout and composition”. The students demonstrated not only an excellent understanding of the theme, respect of the history, language and culture of Russia, but also readiness to share their knowledge with children from other countries of the world.
Alexandra Vodovskova’s work will be used as an illustration of an ABC-book for the Russian speaking children who get education in Germany. One more work by the student Alexandra Bolshakova was exhibited at the International fair held at the school named after Pushkin in Holland.
Alexandra Vodovskova said in the interview:
- Being a real illustrator of a child’s book was an interesting experience. I had to make changes all the time because of amendments and recommendations of German customers who wanted to put as many characters of Aleksandr Pushkin on one sheet as possible. However, the German representatives were happy about the final result of the work.