Results of the first week that the VSUES volunteers spent at the Olympics

The whole world experienced a wave of emotions connected with opening of the 30th summer Olympic Games. Now the Olympics in London go full blast. The Russian select team has five medals at the moment, two of which are gold. Russian volunteers are working diligently along with the sportsmen. As we know there are volunteers from VSUES among them.
The next three weeks will be filled with events for Elena Katrichenko and Karina Subbotina. Nevertheless the girls use their rare free moments to keep in touch with Vladivostok and to communicate the latest news.
Here are impressions of Elena Katrichenko of the capital of Great Britain:
- The very first real difficulty that we came across with was London metro. Apparently the British decided to make a real brain-teaser out of their underground system. This goes not only for foreign guests of the city, but for citizens of other regions of Great Britain as well.
In the first working day of staying in the Olympic village all the volunteers were to go through essential formal procedures. Later on the volunteers had a four-hour training called “Role-Specific Training” which informed each volunteer of his responsibilities, specific character of the work and safety instructions. As Elena Katrichenko said:
- The ceremony of opening of the Olympic Games was the most large-scale and memorable event that I have ever seen in my life. It was useful to observe the work of the volunteers who were on duty at the ceremony. Soon I will have to perform the same hard work, because it is quite a difficult task to control a flow of thousands of people rushing towards the exit. Everybody on our tight-knit volunteer team feels nervous in anticipation of the approaching activity at the Games. We are trying to guess what each of us will do and who of the famous sportsmen we will see.