VSUES volunteers work and recreate in London

Elena Katrichenko and Karina Subbotina have already got the feel of London. The girls work in different places. Elena Katrichenko is occupied at Olympic objects where as Karina Subbotina works in the Olympic village. Volunteer timetable allows the girls to work, to go on excursions and to recreate.
Elena Katrichenko told about specifics of life as a volunteer:
- Working days start at 3:30 in the morning. We have half an hour to get ready, half an hour for travelling and then 15 minutes for walking from the station to the Olympic park, another 15 minutes for checking the ID and personal belongings at the entrance and after that we can set to work. My duty is to stay at the entrance to the grandstand № 209, to check tickets and to help guests find their rows and places, and also to answer all kinds of questions.
Elena Katrichenko also explained that the volunteers had to be at their working places two and a half hours before the beginning of the competitions because the spectators came to the stadium in advance.
In her long anticipated weekends Elena Katrichenko chooses to go on guided tours instead of having rest in the Olympic village. The girl has already seen several matchups of lawn hockey, visited famous Oxford city and other places known from the books “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” and “Lord of the Rings”.
Karina Subbotina shared her opinion about Londoners’ attitude to the Olympics:
- Newspapers write only about the British sportsmen who have gained medals and only games with the British are shown on TV. If there is no British in the final, the program is not released on the air. I like my work and I spend more time at work than the other volunteers. Owing to this fact I am met halfway. My shifts are changed to a more convenient time and I was allowed to take a day off in the last day of the Olympics.