VSUES volunteers help support APEC summit operation

Summit of the countries of Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) will be held in Vladivostok in September, 2012. The international event of such large scale needs assistance of volunteers.
Volunteers from the whole country are arriving in Vladivostok. They will accompany Russian and foreign delegations, take part in conducting cultural and sightseeing arrangements, work as interpreters, help mass media, take shifts in the airport. Part of VSUES volunteers has been working at the Russian island since July.
A general meeting of the volunteers for the summit took place in the theater and concert complex “Underground” of VSUES. Volunteers from other institutions of the Primorski Krai and young people from different cities of Russia were present at this meeting as well. All in all there were about 300 volunteers at the assembly.
VSUES president, professor, Doctor of Economics Gennady Lazarev wished the volunteers much success in their work:
- APEC summit is a unique event for Vladivostok, Russia and for each of you. Learn, get experience and watch successful guests and participants of the summit.
Volunteers that came to Vladivostok from other cities of Russia were put in the dormitories of VSUES. They will not only be involved in the interesting work at the summit, but they will have an opportunity to see historical part of Vladivostok, go to the sea and other important places of the city. Training and briefing of the volunteers for the APEC summit will also take place at the base of our university.