Official meeting of the delegation from Tottori with the VSUES management

VSUES and the Tottori University of Environment signed an agreement of cooperation in October last year. The present meeting was devoted to detailed negotiations of the representatives of both universities.
Several main points of developing relations between the universities were suggested on the part of VSUES. One of them was a question of teaching staff exchange. According to the VSUES president Gennady Lazarev it would entail exchange of experience, joint work of Japanese and Russian professors and increase staff academic mobility at both universities. Another question under discussion was the education exchange. Different variants of carrying joint conferences and seminars were discussed as well.
The Japanese side approved all the offers of our university. The head of the management chair of the Tottori University of Environment, Doctor of Economics, professor Tomioka Shoichi remarked that VSUES had a good campus with all the conditions for comfortable education and living, while their university needed some amendments in that regard. Also, it was planned to launch courses of the Russian language at the Tottori University of Environment in 2013. The representatives of the university suggested short term exchanges in order to get acquainted with the universities of each other and а closer cooperation from next year.
The delegates were offered to see VSUES lecture rooms, to select literature for the Russian language classes and to get acquainted with equipment for online lectures. Gennady Lazarev mentioned that it would help the Japanese side organize the language education process at their university.
The meeting was ended with exchange of presents and a memory joint photo.