Rectors of the Far Eastern federal institutions discussed international integration in education

A joint meeting of the Council of rectors of the Far Eastern federal institutions and Consortium of service institutions took place on the grounds of VSUES. The main subject of the meeting was “Importance of high school for development of the society. New education forms – international integration”. Rectors and representatives from twenty four educational institutions of the Far Eastern Federal region and rector of Omsky State Institute of Service Dmitry Maevsky came to the meeting.
VSUES president, Doctor of Economics Gennady Lazarev delivered a speech first. He said that our university developed in a way, so that it could influence development of the society. Nowadays VSUES graduates are sought after at the labour market and their knowledge and skills measure up to the current time. Gennady Lazarev mentioned that institutions of our country should be more active in joining the global education community.
Irina Chernaya, vice-president for academic affairs in VSUES, Doctor of Economics added on the subject. She mentioned that the university paid much attention to international cooperation. VSUES has many joint international programs with partners from different countries. The most active cooperation is set up with partners from P. R. China. Also, students from the USA study successfully in VSUES.
Head of School of law and management in VSUES, Doctor of Economics Natalya Masyuk presented a unique international program in hotel management that was being launched in the university this academic year. This program was made together with Pacific International Hotel Management School – PIHMS (New Plymouth, New Zealand). One of the important characteristics of the program is teaching in the English language. Natalya Masyuk mentioned that the students would receive a bachelor degree of New Zealand in hotel management upon graduation and would have the right to find a job in that country.
Chiefs of the Far Eastern federal institutions learned about the presented international program with great interest as it showed present-day approach in education. Nowadays many new world-class hotels are being opened in our city as well as in other cities throughout Russia and they need high-class professional workers. PIHMS graduates make a successful career in the global hotel chains.
In the end of the meeting the representatives of the Far Eastern federal institutions congratulated the VSUES president Gennady Lazarev and the university staff with the anniversary of VSUES and handed gifts and congratulatory papers.