Head of School of international business and economics of VSUES Alexandr Latkin: ”Work in the high competitive mode makes us the best in the region”
Main guidelines of the strategy for long-term development of School of international business and economics of VSUES were designed in 2007. The head of the School, Doctor of Economics, professor Alexandr Latkin told about achievements and the goals that were reached for strategic development of the School.
- Alexandr Pavlovich, as we know the School of international business and economics operates in the conditions of high competition. Nevertheless, each year more and more applicants wish to study at your School.
- We prepare bachelor and master degree holders in the following profiles: economics, international business, regional studies, commerce and goods merchandising. Most of the universities in our region and the country have such profiles. However, in spite of high competition we increase the number of students each year. We had 460 applicants this year compared to 400 students last year.
- Your School is known not only in Vladivostok and our region, but in the whole country. What do you do in this regard?
- In my opinion the best advertisement for the university is high quality of teaching and well-established learning and research process. The School has founded a dissertation council in economics. In the last five years about a hundred doctors of science defended their dissertation here. They represented universities in many regions of Russia. Now they talk about us in their region.
Also, our School has been included into the thousand best business schools of the world for the last two years. We are the only school in this prestige list in the Far East.