The week of tolerance is over – positive emotions stay . Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

The week of tolerance is over – positive emotions stay

21 ноября 2012 Жизнь вуза

The international day of tolerance took place on November, 16. It started with giving out of coloured ribbons that symbolized importance of personal and someone else’s individuality. Teachers, Russian and foreign students of the multi-national VSUES and guests of the university took part in the event.

After handing the ribbons the foreign students together with an associate professor from the department of the Russian language Viktoria Soleynik went to the laboratory of the department of tourism and hotel/restaurant business to make traditional Russian borsch. The students made broth, sliced cabbage and carrots, prepared dressing under the supervision of the teacher. According to Viktoria Soleynik:

- Joint activity, especially cooking, always consolidates people. The students started to learn Russian only several months ago. That is why I selected adequate vocabulary. But everybody understood each other almost without words.  

The day ended with creative workshops. The students got acquainted with rules of tolerance and declaration of its principles accepted in 1995 by UNESCO. They also took part in a quiz “Everybody is different – everybody is equal”.

Each student decided for himself how to understood the meaning of the term “tolerance”. This is an opinion of a 2-year student of the School of service, fashion and design Vladislav Demin.

- I have an opinion about each situation, but I try to keep it to myself if it is a negative one. I am aware of the fact that stereotypes can create some negative image. So, one will not really know  a person until he communicates with him, - added Vladislav. 

Students and teachers of VSUES ended the week of tolerance in good mood and positive emotions. Everybody wished to have more tolerance in our society.