VSUES is among the hundred leading universities in Russia . Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

VSUES is among the hundred leading universities in Russia

15 января 2013 Жизнь вуза

According to the experts from the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation VSUES is at the 63rd place in the rating of Russian efficient institutions.

The Ministry of education and science published results of the monitoring on November, 1st in 2012. VSUES was rightly included into the list of efficient universities. The educational environment of VSUES corresponds to international standards and allows students to learn and study profitably.

According to the results of the monitoring VSUES takes the first place among 24 universities of the Far East by the total sum of places in different categories.

VSUES president, Doctor of Science, Economics Gennady Lazarev assigns the task to the university staff to follow the existing ratings where VSUES is participating. It concerns scientific and educational activity, level of education and research programs, informational support, profitability level of research projects and university activities, number of international students and other criteria.

- The activity carried out by the management and staff members of the university allows VSUES to keep the level of the best institutions of the country. We are glad to take the first place among the universities of the Far East, but we also understand that our team will have a lot of work throughout the current year in order to become a leader in the country, - remarked vice-president for academic affairs, Doctor of Science, Economics Irina Chernaya.

The results presented by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian federation demonstrated that VSUES had done a lot of work in 2012 as well as in previous years. Leadership among the universities of the Far East proves efficiency of VSUES.