Environmental project of VSUES volunteers will be implemented in universities of the country . Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Environmental project of VSUES volunteers will be implemented in universities of the country

5 марта 2013 Жизнь вуза

Year 2012 was declared by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as the year of the Arctic Region. From October until November of last year Panasonic company and WWF held a competition for the best action to protect environment named “100 steps towards the Arctic region”. VSUES was represented by a team of four volunteers. They were the only participants from Vladivostok in that project.

Topicality was one of the criteria for picking over works. VSUES volunteers presented an energy conservation project, so called “coloured switches”. This program has been working in VSUES for several years. Switches in the university are marked with red and green stickers. Green sticker means economy mode. When a switch with a red sticker is on, energy is used to the maximum. Energy conservation issue is very critical, especially for large organizations. That is why the students together with a department of maintenance operations chose this project. They calculated benefits, energy and material expenses for implementation of this system.

The work of VSUES students was considered to be one of the best projects and it became a winner of the competition. It will be implemented in a number of universities of our country for the purpose of saving energy.