Consul-general of Korea in Vladivostok met with VSUES students
VSUES was visited by a consul-general of the republic of Korea in Vladivostok Mr. Lee Yang Goo. Within the framework of the project “Visiting speaker” he gave a lecture to VSUES students of the department of international business and economy on the topic “Policy of the new government of the republic of Korea: relationship of the republic of Korea with Far East of the Russian Federation”.
- Mr. Lee Yang Goo has become a frequent guest of VSUES lately due to the fact that the School of international business and economy of VSUES has been carrying out a project of creating a guide-book for Korean businessmen. This time the consul-general is here as a visiting speaker for our students, - said associate professor of the department of world economy and international relations Alexandra Piginesheva.
Last year the consul-general was also a visiting speaker in VSUES and delivered a lecture on economical cooperation of Korea and Russia.