First-time entrepreneurs of Primorski Krai participated in the regional milestone of “Russian StartUp Tour”

From March, 18 until April, 29 of 2013 experts and mentors of the “Russian StartUp Tour” project have been conducting meetings with first-time entrepreneurs and start-up teams in 15 Russian cities. Vladivostok was the sixth city on the list. It was the only city in the Far East where the experts of the scale project came. The experts represented Institutes for development that gave organizational support and grants for promotion of innovative Russian projects.
Innovative business incubator of VSUES was selected to house the meeting due to its activities in developing and supporting first-time entrepreneurial business in the region.
Representatives from such companies as IBM, Skolkovo, RBC and other large organizations made their presentations about key aspects of development of innovative projects. In the end of each speech the first-time entrepreneurs were given URLs for more detailed information on the subject.
According to the director of Innovative business incubator of VSUES Vladimir Snitko, the representatives of large companies highly appreciated the level of the held event and capacities of VSUES. Now the business incubator is up against many projects which the experts and mentors of “Russian StartUp Tour” gave an idea to.
By the results of the meeting the experts selected three innovative projects at initial stage. Members of the teams will be invited to participate in federal projects, such as International innovation festival in the innovation center Skolkovo “StartUp Village” and some others.