VSUES to Vladivostok: the first Fashion and style week has been opened!

On May, the 13th the opening ceremony of PACIFIC STYLE WEEK - Haute couture week in Vladivostok took place in the Champion complex of VSUES.
The idea of the event belongs to Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. This is the only university at the Far East whose design school is known outside of Russia. Contests of PACIFIC STYLE WEEK will become a steppingstone for students of various profiles in the show business and beauty industry. They will discover newcomers - designers, hairdressers, models, photographers.
The organizers of the project made good their word and guests of the event found themselves in an unusual surrounding: atmosphere show from the Emotion laboratory, a garden of white trees with unexpected “fruits” from Fashion Collection, dress forms decorated with pages of glossy magazines “Expensive Pleasure”, a rocking chair and a lap blanket out of a magazine “Oblomov”. The catwalk and tribunes dressed in white and white rows of chairs in covers with bows underlined brightness of attires and decoration elements from “3D design” company.
The ceremony was opened by the representatives of the project organizers – VSUES president Gennady Lazarev and Vladivostok mayor Igor Pushkarev.
Haute couture was represented by dancers of the show ballet “Aleteya” in sparkling swimming suits, on silvery platforms and in ballgowns, by catwalks of all models, by demonstration of a costume collection in the traditional Russian style from a famous Russian designer Olga Lukinets, by the showcase of Pigmalion edgy collections of last years. The show was ended with a demonstration of a unique collection of furs from Irina Krutikova who presented her exclusive works in Vladivostok for the first time.