Delegation from Tottori met with specialists of VSUES

A delegation from the Japanese prefecture of Tottori came to Vladivostok within the framework of participation in Pacific international tourist exhibition “PITE - 2013”. Due to the fact that VSUES and the prefecture have close strategic and friendly relationship, a visit to our university became the main point of the short-time trip of the delegation.
Cooperation under the agreement with the University of environment of the Tottori prefecture was a key discussion subject.
During the whole period since the agreement was concluded specialists of the International relations department of VSUES have been in contact with the Japanese side and have provided them with information about international development of the university on a regular basis. One of the news was that VSUES had a possibility of teaching educational programs of various duration to international students with zero level of the Russian language.
Next year the university in the Tottori prefecture will open a department of the Russian language. This step will take cooperation of the two universities at a new quality level. It will make possible to have a two-sided exchange of students and teachers, to conduct joint scientific conferences, sport competitions and cultural events. First steps have already been made in that direction. Last year two students of VSUES won internship grants to the Tottori prefecture. The Japanese representatives mentioned that a contest for such grants would become a permanent practice.
In the end of their visit the Japanese partners attended a class with international students who studied in VSUES.