VSUES and Toyama prefecture are preparing new projects

For more than ten years VSUES has been developing business and friendly contacts with the Japanese prefecture of Toyama. The Japanese stone garden, friendship flower-bed and sakura alley which are located on the territory of VSUES are the most significant projects of cultural and social exchange between the university and the prefecture.
At the meeting with the VSUES president Gennady Lazarev and specialists of International relations department the representatives of the Japanese delegation discussed possibilities of further development and future joint projects.
VSUES specialists offered the Toyama representatives to participate in three different projects – international culinary festival, the first flower festival in Vladivostok, PACIFIC STYLE WEEK – Fashion, style and beauty industry week of APR countries. Separate point of the meeting was devoted to a discussion about laying out a new flower-bed on the territory of VSUES campus. It will be decorated with traditional Japanese flowers – beautiful glicines.
- The new flower-bed will be one more gift to Vladivostok city from VSUES and Toyama, - said secretary of Toyama-Vladivostok friendship society, specialist of International relations department of VSUES Vladimir Yanfa. – Onсe the Japanese side approves it, a VSUES designated specialist will go to Toyama to learn the art of orchard management.
The guests from Toyama were especially interested in international culinary festival. The prefecture is known for its gourmet foods and traditional dishes.
All the events are planned for 2014. Now the specialists of International relations department of VSUES and representatives of Toyama have negotiations and preparation ahead of them.