Congratulations to the oarsmen on “Dragons” from the VSUES sport club with gold and silver medals on the student championship of the world!

Students of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service won in the classic five hundred metres and came second in the sprinter (200 metres) and stayer (2000 metres) distances at the competitions (ICDBF Championships) in the Chinese city of Chanyuan which took place on June, 10th to June, 14th.
Representatives of 67 national teams from Russia, China, USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Korea, Hongkong, Macao, Sri Lanka, Congo, Kenya and other countries took part in the championship.
Sport adviser of the VSUES president Vadim Sabanov informed:
-Opening of a specialized oared workout facility in the VSUES sport complex “Champion” helped our sportsmen to keep perfect competition form. It is the only fitness hall in Russia for training in oarsmanship in a cold weather season. Now we are negotiating with partners to provide water-based sports facilities to the oarsmen of VSUES.