VSUES volunteers set forth to the XXVII World Summer Student Games

VSUES volunteers flew to Kazan to the XXVII World Summer Student Games. This largest sport event will take place from July, 6th to 17th.
Twelve students of VSUES joined a delegation of volunteers from Primorski Krai. Within a few days they will complete all necessary procedures of accreditation, sign an agreement, receive uniform and go through training at the sites.
Prior to their flight the volunteers told about their particular tasks at the Games. Each of them will have different functions. For example, a VSUES graduate Daria Safronova will work with spectators, another graduate of 2013 year Mikhail Kazmerchyk will work with mass media.
- Student Games in Kazan is a wonderful opportunity to get new experience, help organize an important sport event, get acquainted with interesting people, practice foreign languages, - remarked a 3-year student Margarita Lazutina.
9350 sportsmen from 175 countries will take part in the Student Games in Kazan. They will fight for 351 sets of medals. More than 20 thousand volunteers are going to provide assistance to the sportsmen and spectators.