Adaptation week for the first-year students of VSUES started with acquaintanceship

Adaptation procedures for the first-year students are an essential part of events that are held in VSUES every year. Students get information on how to work with awareness-raising environment, meet management, teachers and tutors of their school, learn about extra-curricular activities in VSUES. But first of all they get acquainted with each other.
Training “Acquaintanceship” for newcomers was carried out by upper-division course students of Psychology and Personnel management profiles of VSUES.
- When I was a 1-year student, adaptation procedures were very useful to me and my fellow students. In the very first day we made acquaintance and learned interests of each other. Now I deliver these trainings myself, - said a 5-year students of Personnel management profile Ksenia Selezneva.
First-year students answer the question whether they needed adaptation or not:
- Yesterday we were schoolchildren. Even though the difficult period of admission and long holidays are over, we need to get into the student spirit before the educational year. Besides, it will not be easy to find time for close acquaintance during studies right away, - thinks Darya Parakhovnik.
- This is a large and beautiful university with many classrooms and buildings. In the first days it is not easy sometimes to find the right auditorium. That is why “Wayfinding at the campus” is another important event that is coming, - added Anastasia Chuenkova.