VSUES students are the best students in the Far East

Interregional youth forum “Students marathon” took place in Vladivostok on the Russian island from October, 2nd to October, 6th. Students’ team of VSUES took the first place following the results of the “Students marathon” and became a winner of the forum.
This forum was organized by the “Center of New youth politics” (Moscow) and was supported by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, Federal agency for youth affairs and the Department of youth affairs of Primorski Krai. The forum targeted creation of project, debating and health grounds for young students.
Students’ teams from 22 universities of Russia took part in the “Students marathon”. VSUES team consisted of 20 people and was headed by a specialist of the center of youth politics and students unions Anastasiya Gorobets.
The forum had three parallel programs: sports, creation and education.
- Participation in the “Students marathon” was a perfect opportunity for the students to show their talents and unlock the creative potential. The advantage of VSUES students at the forum was proficiency and solidarity of their team which had participated in many different events,- said Anastasiya Gorobets