VSUES was visited by an embassador of the Republic of El Salvador

Management team of the university had a meeting with the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of El Salvador in Russia Mrs. Claudia Canjura de Centeno. Within the framework of the meeting the representatives of both sides discussed cooperation in the area of education and culture between VSUES and agencies and institution of the Republic of El Salvador.
VSUES has been successfully integrated into the international educational environment for a long time. The university has a large experience of international cooperation and it is constantly developing partnership links with foreign institutions and organizations.
VSUES was represented by the first vice-rector of the university Boris Geltser, vice-rector on education Irina Chernaya, deputy head of international relations department Wang Bing, head of international programs division Alexandra Piginesheva. The meeting took place under the auspices of Latin American center in Vladivostok.
It is the second visit to Vladivostok for Claudia Canjura. Her first visit took place in August of 2013 within the conference devoted to Latin American Days.
- I was very impressed with your city and the people. That is why I wanted to visit Vladivostok again, - said Claudia Canjura. – I would like to establish relations with your city. Exchange of culture and education is very important for us.
Boris Geltser said the following:
- Now there are many possibilities for cooperation in the sphere of education. VSUES ranks among the best universities of Siberia and the Far East. We have a large number of international students and we will be happy to welcome students from Salvador.
Irina Chernaya added:
- We can start our cooperation with international conferences including virtual ones.
Claudia Canjura was interested in the suggested variants of cooperation. At present both sides are busy with development of joint educational activities including exchange programs for VSUES students. The participants also discussed possibility to open Russian language centers in Salvador.