Exhibition “Korea is nearby” is opened in the Museum and exhibition complex of VSUES

The new exhibition is held by VSUES and the Consulate general of the Republic of Korea within the Days of Korean culture.
The museum displays a collection of graphics by the monk Su An, items of contemporary Korean applied and decorative arts and photography.
The Art of Su An takes the visitors of the exhibition into the world of traditional Korean values both in temple and social life. In his paintings the monk as if visualizes the main goal of a Buddhist which is finding oneself.
- The present exhibition is one more opportunity to remind about Buddhist religion, - says director of the Representative office of the national tourist organization of the Republic of Korea in Vladivostok.– We would like to point out that the main task of each Buddhist is not to calm down, but to find himself with the help of meditation and team work.
The task of this exhibition is not only to introduce the culture of South Korea to visitors of the museum, but also to build up general cultural competences. It is an important part of the university education.
Cooperation of the Museum and exhibition center of VSUES with the Consulate general of the Republic of Korea started in 2012 with an exhibition of items that displayed influence of Confucianism and Buddhism on the Korean culture. The present exhibition follows this theme.