Incredible stories of international students of VSUES

Every year VSUES welcomes international students. This year students from the Republic of Korea, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, France, England, USA and Italy came to study at the university. For many of them it is the first trip to Russia. After staying in Vladivostok for several months the young people shared their impressions about the city, VSUES and said why they decided to study the Russian language.
Emi Kuraoka came to VSUES from Japan. At her university she chose the profile of the Chinese language. There she got acquainted with the Russian language as well. At the language internship in China where Emi found many Russian friends she became very interested in studying Russian. Her soul mate Arcady came to China from Vladivostok. That is why Emi did not have any doubts about the city where she would continue to study Russian. Now the girl speaks three foreign languages: Chinese, English and Russian.
- When I came to Vladivostok I did not understand Russian at first, - said Emi. – After studying in VSUES for a month I started to understand, to speak and even to write in Russian. I like the university and my teachers. They are very demanding and one cannot relax at the classes. In return the results are impressive. I will study Russian in VSUES for a year. I like living in Vladivostok. This city is very beautiful. My favorite place for a promenade is the Cesarevitch Quay.
Michela Savoldi came to Vladivostok from Italy. She arrived in Moscow together with a group of French students and then they set forth to Primorye by train.
- This was a very fascinating journey! – shared her impressions Michela. – We have seen a large part of Russia, different interesting cities and beautiful nature. Russian is one of the European languages. I already speak four languages: Italian, English, German and French and I have decided to study Russian. It is not easy for learning, but the language has only one tonality and it simplifies understanding. I like studying in VSUES and I like comfortable dormitories of the university. I share a room with Russian students. We have got on swimmingly from the very beginning. I will stay in VSUES till the end of this year – my exams are scheduled for December. After them I will get back to Italy. I like Vladivostok very much. This is an unusual city – it is situated on bald mountains. At first it was very difficult for legs to saunter through the city. My favorite places in the city are its quays which give a splendid waterscape.
Michael Stanislav Wright came from the Washington state (USA). Michael was born in Russia, in Vladivostok. But by some quirk of fate he became a citizen of the USA. He studies in the Washington University and he came to VSUES by the SRAS program to study Russian.
- I like VSUES. It is great to be here! We have good teachers and I enjoy my studies. I also like Russian music including rock. It helps to recognize and to learn new words as well. I go for a walk in the center of Vladivostok with pleasure and enjoy waterscape. My favorite café is the one at the Gogolya street which is called Smallcafé. Even though I am an American, I do not like fast food.
Specialist of the Protocol division of International Relations Department of VSUES Svetlana Ignatieva said about adaptation of international students in Vladivostok:
- Usually the first month in a new country is not easy for foreign students. They understand Russian with difficulty and it takes them time to get accustomed to a different country. Within the framework of international programs the students share rooms in a dormitory together with Russian students. It is an additional opportunity for them to practice Russian. Information excursions are arranged for international students upon arrival in Vladivostok. Also, the Protocol division of International relations department organizes various social activities for students once a week. Foreign students in VSUES have a highly topical programme. Teachers conduct classes in the Russian language. We also hold joint activities for Russian and international students. It gives them a good possibility to share knowledge and skills.