International students of VSUES get acquainted with the Russian culture

Each week the protocol division of International Relations Department of VSUES organizes various cultural activities for international students including excursions and topical classes. This time the students had a surprise. They were given an opportunity to dip themselves into the real old-time way of life in Russia.
Staff from the excursion center of national traditions “Russian chamber” welcomed the students with true Russian hospitality. According to the old tradition they met the guests with bread and salt and treated with cracknels and tea made with a real Russian samovar. In the “Russian chamber” the students saw traditional costumes, genuine birchbark shoes and learned about Russian traditions, Slavic weddings, Maslenitsa festival and daily living of our ancestors. Specialist of the Protocol division of International Relations Department of VSUES Svetlana Ignatieva mentioned that the students were especially interested in Russian rag dolls which were very unusual and colourful.
- We wanted our international students to have more information about these wonderful dolls and also to learn how to make them. That is why we scheduled a master class of a talisman doll which was held by teachers of the Academical college of VSUES, - said Svetlana Ignatieva.
Teacher of the college Elena Chistyakova told about history of a Russian rag doll. The students got acquainted with different kinds of dolls and learned that each doll had its own purpose. Some of them protected their owners from malignant demons, the other dolls were used for various ceremonies, third ones were made for children’s games.
At the master class the students were offered to create their own talisman doll named Bell-doll. This doll is considered to bring good news and letters. So, the students were recommended to place the talisman next to their computers in order to receive nice email messages and letters.
This is just another topical project arranged by the staff of the Academical college of VSUES for international students. Earlier they held a festival devoted to Russian customs and holidays and another event called “Small motherland” about history and culture of the Primorsky krai.