VSUES has joined the Russian – Chinese association of universities of economics

Opening ceremony of the Russian – Chinese association of universities of economics took place in Bejing (China) on November, 23. The association includes 26 leading universities of Russia and China. VSUES ranks among them. The list extends to such well-known institutions, as MSIIR, Financial University affiliated to the government of the Russian Federation, RUFP, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and others. The Chinese side is represented by large and well-known universities, such as University of International Business and Economics and Central University of Finance and Economics.
- Russia and China are neighbors, partners and friends. It is high time for more efficient cooperation of the universities in the area of education. VSUES is a member of Association of universities of the Far East and Siberia of Russia and North Eastern regions of China. We are happy to enter the Russian – Chinese association of universities of economics. We believe that this association can help us interact better and enrich ourselves through cooperation with Chinese universities. In our turn we think that VSUES can contribute to development of relations between the countries.
Our university has been cooperating with universities of China for more than 20 years. Over this period we have developed many contacts and we plan to continue our interaction in the future, - said president of VSUES, Doctor of Science in Economics Gennady Lazarev.
Forum of rectors of the universities from Russia and China took place within the framework of the ceremony.
Currently about 15000 Russian citizens study in China and 25000 Chinese citizens study in Russia. Governments of both countries made a decision to raise exchange of students up to 100 000 people by 2020 year.