VSUES volunteers are ready to head to the capital of the XXII Winter Olympic Games, Sochi

The Olympic volunteer training program is among the major projects of the Organizing Committee “Sochi 2014”. 25 000 volunteers of all ages from all over the country will be working at the Games; 350 of them have been trained at the VSUES Volunteer Centre. The first and the largest group of 70 volunteers of the Far East will be flying to Sochi on January 19th.
Prior to their departure volunteers had an opportunity to meet with the President of VSUES Gennady Lazarev who encouraged them to put their best talents and efforts into working at the Games as they would represent their university, city, region and their country. Gennady Lazarev will attend the Olympic Games himself as an honored guest at the opening ceremony that will take place at the “Fischt” stadium on February 7th.
All the volunteers have already received their work schedules within the following functional areas: “Olympic village management”, “Accommodation”, “Protocol”. Upon arrival in Sochi each of them will go through accreditation and brief area training.
Those who wish to see our volunteers off to the Games are welcome to come to the Vladivostok International Airport on January 19th as well as to their final formal meeting at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of VSUES on January 17th.