VSUES will proofread the strategy of social and economic development of Kamchatka Krai

Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service has recently signed a government contract with the authorities of Kamchatka Krai. VSUES became a winner of a tender for carrying out a scientific research project named “Actualization of the Strategy of social and economic development of Kamchatka region till 2025”.
According to the president of VSUES, professor G. Lazarev, Kamchatka is a large, complicated, distant region with small amount of population, rich natural resources and low economic development. Professor Lazarev says the aim of the project is to find points of economic growth for Kamchatka region.
It is a fact that VSUES has strong scientific ties with Kamchatka Krai. Director of School of International business and economy, professor Latkin remarks that it is not surprising that VSUES has won the tender. The university has already done several projects for Kamchatka on topical subject-matters for the region.
As the president of VSUES reports, the whole university will be engaged in this project and will form a working group that will cover up all the aspects. The VSUES scientists are off to develop a project within the next 7 months. The university plans to make a quality workmanship and to establish ties with businesses, authorities and enterprises of Kamchatka region. Thus this project gives good openings to VSUES.