VSUES students conduct researches for a corporation from the Republic of Korea

Cooperation of VSUES and well-known advertising company from the Republic of Korea DAEHAN A&C Co. Ltd pays off. The South Korean product - GLSI Toolkit created through the offices of students and teachers of the Department of design in VSUES has received an IF Design Award (International Forum Design Award). This award makes the top three prestige international prizes in design.
The company toolkit represents design allocation guidance for enterprises targeting markets of other countries. It specifies cultural characteristics of markets and consumer peculiarities in different countries (China, Russia and the USA).
VSUES student Ekaterina Kochetkova said about her team work with the company DAEHAN A&C Co.Ltd:
- Two weeks ago I completed my research on a topic “Trading environment of shops”. The company DAEHAN A&C Co. Ltd is taking part in a large national project “International adaptation of brand shops image”. The company staff is interested to know how Russian people view different brands.
Results of the research will be published in an article in one of the top ranked international magazines. Professionals of the scientific center of the South Korean corporation are going to be coauthors of the article.