The Tottori University of Environmental Studies and VSUES initiate student exchange program

Professors from the Tottori University of Environmental Studies visited VSUES during the Days of the Japanese culture of Tottori prefecture in Vladivostok.
Professor Yosinaga Ikuo, Russian language teacher Yamomoto Tidzuko and representative of International relations department Takeuti Aemi came to VSUES in order to discuss student exchanges. The meeting began with a tour around the university. The guests visited the Museum and exhibition complex, “Champion” sports center, classrooms and laboratories. Professor Yosinaga Ikuo met Russian language teachers and gave a lecture for students of the profile “Regional studies of Japan”.
The guests from Japan thanked their VSUES colleagues for warm welcome and remarked that such meetings and visits helped both universities know each other better and outline new joint projects. Also, due to newly opened Russian language department in the Tottori University of Environmental Studies, the Japanese students became more interested in Russia.
- Cooperation agreement between VSUES and the Tottori University of Environmental Studies was signed in 2011. One of its points stipulates development of students’ exchange programs, internship programs, teachers' exchanges and visits. We would like to suggest annual short-term exchanges of students. Each university could send 5 to 6 students to the host party to get acquainted with local culture and history as well as to study.
Professors and students of our university have already made several visits to the Tottori University of Environmental Studies. Last year VSUES folk dance group “Alisa-VUSES” took part in a festival of traditional arts which was held by the Japanese university. Also, Natalya Ivanenko, professor from the department of environmental management and natural resource use visited the Tottori University of Environmental Studies twice for participation in international practical seminars “Clean Sea. Methods of detecting and collecting garbage in the sea” and “Back to the clean sea. Sea garbage”.
According to the results of negotiations first students' exchanges are planned for autumn of 2014.