“Big Russian soul” - Russian students from VSUES are viewed by foreigners

International students met with VSUES students studying English and Chinese within the framework of a programme developed by the School of professional and cross-cultural communication “Dialogue”.
Purpose of such meetings is to form common cultural and communicative competences of both Russian and foreign students of VSUES.
Tatyana Metlyaeva, PhD in culturology, professor of the department of service technologies said:
- In the atmosphere of informal communication we did our best to help Chinese and American students understand Russian cultural values and go through adaptation period successfully.
The meeting was organized in the form of a game. The students compared popular proverbs and sayings from different cultures, learned particularities of greetings and nuances of communication within a family.
Another task for the students was to ask questions about each other using their knowledge of a foreign language and to form an opinion based on the received information.
Russian students also found the communication with their foreign agemates interesting. It helped them see themselves and our country from outside.