Now you can pass the international test TOEFL in VSUES . Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service

Now you can pass the international test TOEFL in VSUES

25 апреля 2014

School of foreign languages of VSUES has prepared a pleasant surprise for everybody wishing to continue education or to find a job abroad. Now the required international test of English skills, TOEFL can be passed in our city.

The new Centre is located in the computerized language laboratory classrooms of the School of foreign languages. It has all the necessary conditions for comfortable test passing: modern computers, high-quality audio equipment, skilled and attentive staff.

Head of the TOEFL Center, director of the School of foreign languages Tatyana Gubaidulina said:

Our Center is certified by the international ETS organization (Educational Testing Service) which holds this popular and internationally recognised test. Opening of such center helps develop cooperation of our university and other educational, scientific and cultural organizations of the whole Far East region with foreign partners.

Information about testing centers in Russia and dates of the exam is here.

You can register for passing TOEFL by this address.