The International Master’s Forum was held in VSUES

The first International Master’s Forum "Russian Far East in the system of economic and political interests of Asian Pacific Countries" was opened in VSUES. Scientists, master's degree students and their research supervisors from Russia, the Republic of Korea and China are discussing new promising lines of cooperation in spheres of development of master's education in economics and political science.
The idea to organize this Forum belongs to the Director of the School of International Business and Economics, Professor Alexandr Latkin. The Department of World Economy and International Relations and the Direction of training programs for highly qualified personnel were involved into preparations for the Forum and its realization.
First vice-principal of VSUES, Doctor of Economics Tatyana Terenteva informed that the Forum would help improve quality of the master’s education in the region and would allow discover new points for its development. The Master’s Forum caught interest of authorities and scientific society.
Within the framework of the Forum a plenary meeting on international cooperation in science and education was held. Master's degree students prepared 18 reports in English and Russian.