Students of VSUES TV School presented their documentary project about Vladimir Zvorykin - the inventor of modern television

The second year undergraduate students of VSUES TV School presented their own documentary project "Vladivostok. Zvorykin. Teleportation - 1919" on World Television Day (November 21). Documentary film was shown at the VSUES Museum and Exhibition complex, and in the evening the same film was presented on the TV channel “Russia 24”.
Before the presentation the director of VSUES TV School Valery Bakshin said:
-These two films scrutinize the life of Vladimir Zvorykin and the role of television in it. We took only a few days and tried to show them as a mirror of the era here in Vladivostok.
One of the main authors of the project is Kyrill Dyshlovoy and the consultant of the project is the director of Arsenyev Museum -Victor Shalay.
Students (Daria Zaporozskaya, Roman Shelukhin, Кyrill Dуshlovoy, Anna Danilevskaya), faculty, reporters and camera operators, well-known journalists took part in the presentation of the project.
At the end of the presentation the Vice-president on Marketing and Academic Affairs on public relations, information and publicity, Professor of VSUES TV School Andrey Kalachinsky noted that students, who studied TV only thirteen months, completed the project successfully.