VSUES implements the Tempus project "NETCENG"

On the 24-26th of November 2014, the conference "New Model of the Third Level of Higher Engineering Education in accordance with the recommendations of the Bologna process in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine" took place in Minsk.
Universities from six countries (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the UK, Germany, and Lithuania) participated in it. These universities won a grant for the implementation of the Tempus project "NETCENG".
"NETCENG» is a new third level educational project for scientific staff training” - said the Senior Vice-President, Dr. of Economic Sciences, Tatiana Terentyeva. “It is necessary to develop a new educational model with full methodological support, including the modules that correspond to the areas for training of post graduate students”.
In 2012, the European Union announced a competition of projects. Tempus provides funding for projects aimed at improving educational programs, institutional development of universities and for academic mobility.
Being partner-universities, VSUES and FEFU started the project. FEFU will develop educational programsfor training in technical areas(engineering), and the goal of our University is to improve curriculum (economics courses) for doctoral degree programs. FEFU and VSUES will share the results of scientific and practical work, developing joint courses and programs of educational modules.
The next conference of the Tempus project will be held in Vladivostok on September 14-15, 2015, with the participation of 22 universities from 6 European countries.